
Showing posts from February, 2017

Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data

Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data - Index Home > Analytical Chemistry > Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA Statistics| Statistical Treatment| Data Analysis in Life Sciences Calibration and Outliers - Statistical Analysis Detection of a Single Outlier|Statistical Analysis|Quantitative Data Detection of Outliers in Analytical Data – The Grubb’s Test Dixon's Q-test calculator - Detection of a single outlier     One-Sample T-Test in Chemical Analysis – Statistical Treatment of Analytical Data     Statistics| Analysis of Data – Confidence intervals Statistics – Frequency Distributions, Normal Distribution, z-scores Testing for Normality of Distribution (the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) Comparing several Group Means by ANOVA using SPSS

Comparing several Group Means by ANOVA using SPSS

Comparing several Group Means by ANOVA using SPSS Home > Statistics – Frequency Distributions, Normal Distribution, z-scores > One-Sample T-Test in Chemical Analysis – Statistical Treatment of Analytical Data > Testing for Normality of Distribution (the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) > Comparing several Group Means by ANOVA using SPSS Comparing of several Group Means by One-Way ANOVA using SPSS In a previous post entitled "One-Sample T-Test in Chemical Analysis – Statistical Treatment of Analytical Data" the statistical tests presented were limited to situations in which there were only up to two levels of the independent variable (i.e. up to two experimental groups, two experimental conditions) and the data were normally distributed ( histogram of normal distribution was obtained by plotting data). Methods were described for comparing two means to test whether they differ significantly. However, in analytical wor