
Showing posts from October, 2014

Chemical Equilibrium Calculations in Analytical Chemistry

chemical equilibrium calculations in analytical chemistry Home > Ionic Equilibrium - Strong Acids and Bases – A general relation for the pH of a strong acid > Strong acid and bases - Weak acid and bases - Dissociation constants and pK's > pH of a strong acid – Examples > Strong Acids & Bases: pH Calculations involving mixtures of strong acids and bases > Chemical Equilibrium Calculations in Analytical Chemistry   Chemical Equilibrium Calculations in Analytical Chemistry   When is a chemical reaction in equilibrium? There is a very simple test to check if a reaction is in equilibrium . If the reaction will be allowed: to go in the forward direction up to the point that nothing more appears to happen and all of the concentrations of the species present remain constant and then the same reaction is allowed to proceed in the reverse direction until nothing more appears to happen and